Monday, July 23, 2012

Sinningia "Serra da Vista" .. A personal best

I want to share my experience growing an amazing gesneriad. I received Sinningia speciosa  "Serra da Vista" from Black Jungle in the spring. Within a few months, the plant grew furiously and flowered. It has fuzzy leaves with silver veins and purple flowers that look like the are coming out of a star. The plant is native to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Here is the seed grown plant,  about 3 inches across, in a bonsai pot with some other plants

The plant grew extremely quickly and I placed it in its own pot in a well draining mix that retains some moisture.
In this photo, the plant is very happy near my bright living room windows.
If you look closely at the center of the plant you can see flower buds! 

And it flowered! 

As with most sinningia species, the plant forms a potato-like tuber as it grows, and requires a brief dormancy period to mimic the seasonal changes of its native Brazil.  I have yet to master the "rest phase" of the cycle. However, I have learned that during the growth period, the plant must be fertilized and the soil kept moist (but not too wet) with frequent waterings. The plant doesn't seem to mind a little bit of direct morning sunlight, but I try to protect it from the hot summer sun by growing it on a table below the windowsill, away from the potentially scorching rays. 

I'll be sharing more of my experiences growing Sinningia in future posts, as I am currently working with about 10 varietals.

Thanks for visiting!

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