Here is the seed grown plant, about 3 inches across, in a bonsai pot with some other plants |
And it flowered! |
As with most sinningia species, the plant forms a potato-like tuber as it grows, and requires a brief dormancy period to mimic the seasonal changes of its native Brazil. I have yet to master the "rest phase" of the cycle. However, I have learned that during the growth period, the plant must be fertilized and the soil kept moist (but not too wet) with frequent waterings. The plant doesn't seem to mind a little bit of direct morning sunlight, but I try to protect it from the hot summer sun by growing it on a table below the windowsill, away from the potentially scorching rays.
I'll be sharing more of my experiences growing Sinningia in future posts, as I am currently working with about 10 varietals.
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